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Tracing The Divide

Two life-long friends embark on an adventure of a lifetime as they ride the rigorous Great Divide Mountain Bike Route from Canada to Mexico. Over 24 days, through wind, mud, and monsoons, the Divide tests their limits physically and mentally, yet the journey is also a gift that allows them to look inward and rediscover themselves with new purpose.


Filmmaker Jack Zakrajsek captures each cyclist’s struggles and successes while instilling a sense of majestic awe and cinematic beauty within the diverse spaces along the Great Divide.

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Chris Schmidt

Cyclist / Executive Producer 

An anesthesiologist and fanatical cyclist, Chris loves to suffer. If it hurts, he wants to do it. Though he probably doesn’t have a clue of what his ideal ride is, except that it should “bring him to his knees”, the Divide certainly fits the bill. When he isn’t riding or watching films about the Divide, he is studying his biometrics in an effort to hack his body and evolve for his next bar setting adventure.

Chris Hiebert

Cyclist / Executive Producer 

A pragmatic civil engineer yet devoted and intense cyclist, Chris slipped into a 10-year break from his passion, which ended in 2018, after asking himself “Is today the day?” What ensued was a series of events that found him chasing ultra-endurance rides, riding in the wee hours of the day, bikepacking, and only once sleeping in the snow. Chris credits the Divide as a spiritual awakening that helped him become a better man.

Jack Zakrajsek

Writer / Director / Cinematographer / Executive Producer 

A former collegiate cyclist, Jack is a photographer, drone pilot, and filmmaker. Based out of Colorado, he has spent the past two years traveling the globe. From Banff and Costa Rica to Namibia and South Africa, he has created branded content, including for Nomatic and Corona. Tracing the Divide is Jack’s first feature film. Jack is the writer, director, cinematographer, and editor on the adventure, sports doc.

Michael Schilf

Writer / Producer / Executive Producer 

Michael is an award-winning filmmaker and co-founder of Lunar Door. His work has earned 90 international awards and 41 nominations, including 13 Best Director wins. Michael is a producer on the indie drama The Fall and writer/director of the forthcoming horror mystery The Wolf and the Lamb. He is currently attached to direct three features: Confession, Ashes and Bowling Green.

Keefe Kaupanger-Swacker

Writer / Editor 

With 20 years of experience in post-production, Keefe runs a post house in Hollywood, Bell Sound Studios, where he is the Chief Engineer and Mixer. Recently, he has worked on Schitt’s Creek, Ozark, Handmaids Tale, House of the Dragon, and Black Mirror. Keefe has also worked on Dianne Feinstein's campaigns: End Child Poverty CA, School Meals for All, and Yes on Measure M.

Miah Smith

Executive Producer

Miah is an accomplished writer and producer, working in both narrative and documentary. He is a producer on the forthcoming folk horror mystery The Wolf and the Lamb. He wrote and helped developed the comedy series Sleeping with Strangers. He is the writer of features Ashes and FAE and the producer of the thriller Just Kill the Witness, currently in development.

Chase Kuker 

Executive Producer

Chase is an award winning composer and producer, with extensive experience in songwriting, music production, audio mixing, and film production. Chase has produced narrative features, including TellEchoes of WarHelicopter MomThe Fall, and The Wolf and the Lamb. Chase is co-creator of LIGHT, a sci-fi, crime series and producer of the award winning short, The Fixer.